Annual science, engineering & medicine CONFERENCE

This conference is geared towards raising awareness of STEM career opportunities and pathways for female students who have an interest in STEM. Three keynote speakers for science, engineering, and medicine will be invited to speak.  In addition, students, educators from K-12, higher educational institutions, community organizations, and corporate leaders will be invited to participate and lead in discussions about STEM education and careers for the 21st Century.  Finally, students will participate in three hands on workshops.

Girls attending our conference will:

  • Become aware of the wide variety of STEM career opportunities and pathways

  • Engage in hands-on workshops and activities

  • Gain a new enthusiasm for STEM

  • Explore and interact with STEM organizations during the mid-day vendor fair

  • Learn the importance of taking classes in science, math and technology in middle school and high school

  • Participate in small group mentoring session with female industry role models

  • Gain knowledge and understanding why STEM is important in the 21st Century


We implement quarterly group mentoring programs in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) for young ladies (6th – 12th grade).  During these session students:

  • Gain educational, leadership and life skills

  • Learn about STEM career paths and

  • Understand how their academic achievements today directs the path for their tomorrow.

STEM Exploration and Engagement

We fund women and minorities to attend STEM enrichment activities throughout the year. Middle school and high school students can apply for funds to attend a program in the metro Atlanta area.


Annual aPHA Scholarship Fund

We fund up 1 person to attend the APHA Annual Meeting. This year the meeting will be held:
Where: Boston, MA
When: November 6-9, 2022
Award: Up to $2,000 dollars to support conference registration, 1 year APHA membership, airfare, and 3 days of lodging.